13 результатов
The day is gone - tears in your eyes
Now I know what I never realized
You're alone and I'm far away
I hear your voice - calling me day by day
Day by day ...
You're the one who
You're the one who steals
The life from
I'm the one who feels
The falling ...
Your mother came up to me
She wanted answers only she should know
Only she should know
It wasn't easy to deal
With the tears that rolled down her face ...
If you search for enrichment
And injure others
Earning more that you can spend
You’ll pass the borders
When you think you’ve succeeded ...
One other year has left my life
One year bygone so soon
These were the days I sacrificed
These days were lived for you
Some came with winter in white ...
[I. Impasse of Thoughts]
I cant see you, I cant hear you
Do you still exist?
I cant feel you, I cant touch you,
Do you exist? ...
Cry with a smile
My heart is bleeding
Bewildered, I'm here alone
Why is there pain in a beautiful moment?
Why do I feel so lost, so empty? ...
Защо се опитваш да ме промениш? Нямаше те дълго, и ето каква съм... приеми ме. Приеми, че обичам тъмните цветове и прекарвам времето си в тъмнина! Слушам метъл, колкото и да не ти харесва! Това съм аз, харесваш или не. НЕ смей да нареждаш думи за приятелите ми, на които държа! Не ги познаваш, затова ...
I see you when it snows
in crystals dancing down
from a sultry sky
when silence is pure and unbreakable
I can see you smiling ...
What Am I?
I Wish I Was A Butterfly I'd Fly And Fly
Until It Was My Time To Die
It's Creeping In Again
I Know What I Really Am ...
What are you thinking
Doing the things you do
What are you wanting
Cause all I want
Is you to see ...
Самотата... тя понякога е твоят най-добър приятел, мълчи и те слуша. Чувстваш едно голямо нищо... Студен си като умиращ камък... Една огромна празнотта се крие в мен, дълбоко в мен... Тя може да се види в насълзените ми очи. И пак само аз си знам колко ми е трудно, само аз тихичко ридая в ъгъла на п ...
Played the fool today
And I
Can see us vanishing into the crowd
Longing for home again ...
: ??:??