8 резултата
Adema - Planets
Despite these imperfections
Despite all I say
Insight and recollection
I'm done with yesterday ...
A revolution has begun today for me inside
The ultimate defense is to pretend
Revolve around yourself just like an ordinary man
The only other option is to forget ...
I have pulled every string
but nothing is moving
We have whispered the words
that noone is listening, anymore ...
It's late at night the worlds asleep
And I'm trying not to think
I take some pills cause my mind bleeds
I'm thinking what is wrong with me
Because the only thing I know about honesty ...
Poets of The Fall - Illusion And Dream (Илюзия и Мечта )
Look in my eyes I'll make you see
We're drifting aimlessly
Blind in a world of make believe
Hear them sing their songs off key ...
Adema - Invisible
The game is to free fame
The mental picture and let it be shown
It looks a lot like this
And I can't bear to look alone ...
Shhh... quiet you might piss somebody off
Like me motherfucker you've been at it for too long
While you feed off others' insecurities
You stand in front of me and bite the hand that feeds
Self-righteousness is wearing thin ...
Behind Closed Doors - Зад затворени врати
Chairs thrown and tables toppled,
Hands armed with broken bottles,
Standing no chance to win but,
We're not running, we're not running. ...
: ??:??