Dec 18, 2016, 3:32 PM

The art of self-deception 

  Essays » Phylosophy
1617 1 0
6 min reading
Let me start by prefacing the obvious: this is a rather difficult subject to break the ice into. I posit that we experience self-deception throughout our whole lives, but on differing levels and a multitude of subjects. It is a remarkably difficult thing to pinpoint the source of – or for that matter, a solution for. This is why I will look at it from several different standpoint with the hope of ever so slightly illuminating the reader to its causes and, hopefully, solutions. I know many of you would deny that you are lying to yourselves and therein lies one of the biggest difficulties in tackling this subject: our own ego. It is not a coincidence that my previous post gave an outline of what the ego is (at least the way I use this term and what I would further deliberate upon here ), for it lays the groundwork to help us understand and hopefully, even combat self-deception. From here on out, prepare yourself for a bit of introspection – be it discomforting or pleasant, I am unable to ...

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