Dec 15, 2016, 10:44 AM

The fine act of balancing between order and chaos 

  Essays » Phylosophy
2170 0 2
7 min reading
Life is full of uncertainties and unknowns that the most intelligent and the wisest of use are completely powerless to foresee or prepare for and that no amount of computing power would be sufficient to neatly order everything into one concise picture that could be predictive of every element of future happenings. What I mean by that is that life is chaotic – on the personal scale, on a group scale and on a broader, fundamental scale. Of course it is not all randomness and unpredictability – then life would have never emerged in this planet in the first place or at least would have never evolved to the point we have. Nature does present us with many challenges, though, and a quick look at the cosmos with a basic understanding of astronomy will show you just how chaotic and ruthless the natural world can be. I could state that on a cosmic scale, we are unbelievably lucky to still be alive as a species and to not have been wiped out by an extinction event akin to the one 65 million years ...

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