Mar 1, 2017, 12:46 AM

Dreamstate ruminations 

  Poetry » Phylosophy
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Dreams speak to us of wonder,

of worlds you can only ponder,

in an inconceivable distant realm,

which will your senses overwhelm.


When conscious thought subsides,

in the underworld the mind resides.

But far from Hades or the Biblical Hell,

it is a timeless nocturnal wishing well.


Inspiration, courage, direction and desire

are the sparks emanating from the chaotic pyre.

Wisdom comes much later, with a struggle,

for it’s not a thing you can in your soul smuggle.


In the realm of dreams as of yet unseen,

no one can hear your terrified scream.

And yet, though terror comes harmony

and sophistication of the mental armory.


So many stories, known and unknown faces,

familiar, mystical and lost forever places

come to us in sleep, meaningful and deep,

so we can see what parts of us to keep

and what to set forever free,

to evolve beyond the current you and me.

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