Dec 26, 2015, 8:30 PM  


  Poetry » Phylosophy
1432 0 0

One line to start a painting -

a part of a frame, the person creating...

What we've heard

and what we've listened...

Second line to draw a lining -

a part of us, when feelings sharing.


We start creating a painting

of the people we're seeing,

by drawing lines -

the differences

we are maintaining

by ho we are,

but who are we?


We start wondering and asking

of the person we're being

by drawing lines,

the differences

we are maintaining...

Repeating, condemning...

To believe we are one person,

when so many parts

of us... are fighting

to get to a higher place,

to win -

to show their embrace!


We show love, understanding

which is one and the same,

but the feeling we're giving

isn't the same!


We start pretending

changing for people,

upon entering

the outer circle...


Stepping out of our comfort

zone, we're tripping and falling...

Making mistakes, asking for forgiveness,

we're growing...

We're growing!

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