Mar 31, 2017, 12:42 PM

The Watcher 

  Poetry » Phylosophy
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To observe is to perceive, 
to unveil those who deceive. 
The see the demons within and without, 
to discover the weakness of the proud. 


I peer into the depths of the ocean
and beyond the horizon of emotion. 
What comes forth is twisted and horrific,
it is neither general, nor specific.


The monster in each heart
always plays its twisted part. 
Many become victims of their shadow, 
few ever bring it to waters shallow. 


The darkness is strongest when unseen, 
for it slowly eats one from within. 
It is pure terror to stare into its face, 
to dive into chaos out of time and space. 


But there is hope in this endeavor! 
To fight your own shadow's terror
may destroy you or give life 
to that for which you truly strive! 


Be a watcher and you shall see. 
Be a doer and your dreams will be. 
Be a fighter and you shall overcome. 
Be honest and greater you shall become!

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  • Hmm, impressive. Great description..
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