Sep 16, 2014, 10:14 AM


  Poetry » Odys and poems
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You give me a reason to live...

You give me a chance to survive,

but I can't let you continue to pushing me up!

I've given up...


You gave me a reason to smile

You gave me a chance... for a while,

but it's gone now, wasted, for you forgave what I did(and still do)...

But I don't want to forgive myself! (for I'm a fool)


I think... that everything should've happened already.

The life of a warrior, born to be ready!

But I'm not what I want,

I am that proud!


I am not asking you to forgive me,

but to understand...

That life isn't what keeps me

On the low bias I stand...!


It is only the thought of those, who still haven't lost faith

They said...  I must fight this thing and not be afraid! (but I am)

Let me be what I must become because of my made...

I am no longer... what I thought I could be... in the end

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