May 10, 2020, 10:01 AM

I saw something 

  Poetry » Love, Free verse, Other
1632 0 0

I was on my window today,
 holding my binoculars,
watching the birds outside.
I love to watch the birds,
but this day I saw something.
I saw magic appeared in front of me.


 While watching the birds on one tree,
I’ve noticed something behind it
that stopped my attention to a specific window,
 which was behind that tree.


 Through that window, I saw a girl,
which was leaning on her arm,
against the inside of the window.
Her eyes were looking straight to the clouds,
 but her gaze did not see those clouds at all.


 Her gaze was looking beyond,
 beyond everything, you could see on Earth.
I could’ve seen all the magic of a million imaginations,
 gathered in those two beautiful eyes.
 She was somewhere there
in an unknown for everyone else, place,
and she was the happiest person I could have ever seen
 because she was seeing so much magic in front of her.


 Then I saw something else.
 I saw the most amazing, shining smile
 that slide across her face.
She closed her eyes for a second
 and at that moment
my heart was going to explode.
I felt the power of her imagination
 calling to be heard.
So deeply I wanted to see what’s in that beautiful head
 that I stopped breathing.


 Then, she opened her eyes.
 My heart was broke
after watching her face change.
That beautiful smile
was just wiped off of her face.
 She woke up
from the wondrous world, she was,
 into the reality from which
she was trying to escape from.


 I saw something.
 I saw love in a different shape.
I saw magic appear in front of me.
 I saw wonder.
 I saw beauty.
I saw one broken heart,
which was waiting to be saved.
 I saw a girl,
that I fell in love with.




                                                                                                                                         The Outsider


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