Feb 24, 2016, 9:05 PM

Killing Time Equals Creating 

  Poetry » Phylosophy, Other
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Killing Time Equals provoking

Somebody's Trust,

somebody's First glance

of acceptance by signing...


A sign of our thoughts

imprinted on memory

Create such a mess

that even a story can't miss!


But this is no story,

this is a statement

that the words are less important

than the actions sacred...


Still, what if I don't want to follow my actions,

instead... I want to speak out the question:

What are we doing wrong,

being so alone, and so strong...(?)


As to say we can do better

in our separate lives,

How do we climb up the ladder

And face the outcome with fear sadder than being alive?


The dimensions in which I used to endlessly wonder

are meant for right here,

not for my mind that continues to falter

For... if I stop now, here...

my soul would scatter

and my mourn with fate would therefore cluster...


And the ashes... of the flames everburning

Would play the play, evidently sacred to me.

And nothing shall erase the game

That I created... to create me!...

© Кейтлин А. All rights reserved.

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