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social network for authors and their fans

"Otkrovenia"(bulgarian word for "Revelations") is the largest personal creation platform with author's works in different categories like poetry, prose, translations, photography, music, art and hand crafts.


Publish your own works: Share your revelations, turn your feelings into notes, create a melody from the emotion, put your words in a verse or story. State a position in the form of an article or essay. Draw your mood in a picture or show the beautiful moments in photos.

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 116 985

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To observe is to perceive,
to unveil those who deceive.
The see the demons within and without,
to discover the weakness of the proud.
I peer into the depths of the ocean ...
Борис Ревчун
Мне жизни прожитой не жаль:
Все было – радость и печаль.
С друзьями мёда выпил бочку, ...
  2351  17 
The home is where my heart belongs.
Within her eyes it lays
and makes me long to stay,
to feel the warmth
that only sharing soul can bring. ...
  704  14  13 
аматьорско изпълнение: rumbic (Руми)
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  1979  12  31 
Two beautiful green eyes were staring at her from the mirror, eyes sodden with sadness. In these eyes the sadness always, even in the merriest moments, somehow managed to crawl in and take its proper place. And the present moment wasn’t a merry one at all – she had realized she was head over ears in ...
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