3 results
1. The problem of definitions
There is an issue that arises in almost every serious conversation – the divergent meanings of terms. This is an especially pernicious issue in philosophical discourse – so many schools of thought, so many different frameworks, axioms, metaphysics and epistemologies. Fa ...
It is the year 2016 and the world is going insane in so many directions in my opinion, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is, if you are living in a city (which is most likely) all you need to do is look around at the ever increasing level of polish, coloration, lights and outright lies an ...
What is wrong with today’s world? What changed? The answer is everything. When I look around, all I see is a degenerating society. Thirteen-fourteen year olds drink, smoke, have sex, and use drugs. People’s perception of needs and wants has somehow ended up completely distorted and mixed up. They ha ...
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