Jan 19, 2017, 9:16 AM

The beer is a better poet than me 

  Poetry » Humour, Phylosophy, Free verse
1647 1 1

poetry has rhythm, it has heart

but only when the writer does his part


emotions flow and emotions go

in the unconscious down below


thought is left so far behind

better to put reason out of mind


if you truly wish to write

from yourself you should never hide


others may ignore or detest you

but no one needs to come to the rescue


for the writer is never truly lost

just searching for what they want most


is it really so incredibly hard

to engage your soul and heart?


maybe it is, maybe it is not

you know you are no robot


so take all your grief and pain

and all your crying in vain

and stuff it in some deep place

far away from the earth’s face


so that one day you can rise again

clear from all that troublesome pain


as a glorious example of the light

as someone who can do it right

and your own faults you can fight


this may not be me but the alcohol

but he’s a talented bastard, you should know



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