452 results
Андреа Бочели & Селин Дион - Молитва
(Authors: David Foster, Carole Bayer Sager, Alberto Testa & Tony Renis)
(Автори: Дейвид Фостър, Керъл Байър Сейджър, Алберто Теста & Тони Ренис)
The Prayer
I pray you'll our eyes ...
Lady hear me tonight
Coz' my feeling is just so right
As we dance by the moonlight
Can't you see you're my daylight
Lady i just feel like ...
Wicked Game
The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you ...
Looking back over my shoulder
I can see that look in your eye
I never dreamed it could be over
I never wanted to say goodbye
Looking back over my shoulder ...
Time of My Life
Легенда: She(Тя) He(Той) Together(Заедно)
(I've Had) The time of My life
Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before ...
Did you ever think of me
As your best friend
Did I ever think of you
Im not complaining
I never tried to feel ...
Modern Talking - You are my heart, You are my soul
Deep in my heart there's a fire, a burning heart
Deep in my heart there's desire for a start
I'm dying in emotion
It's my world in fantasy ...
  7376  12 
Chris Isaak - Wicked Game (Порочна Игра)
Светът беше в пламъци и никой освен теб не можеше да ме спаси.
Странно е какво желание кара глупавите хора да го направят
Никога не съм мечтал, че ще срещна някой като теб.
И никога не съм мечтал, че ще познавам някой като теб. ...
The wish
Well I wish that I could be someone else
Sometimes I understand that I'm not supposed to feel like this
I should be happy inside
I'm trying ...
Spice Girls - Viva Forever Спайс Гърълс - Завинаги
Do you still remember Помниш ли все още
How we used to be Как бяхме свикнали да
Feeling together, believe in whatever бъдем заедно, и да вярваме в каквото и да е
My love has said to me Любовта ми ми каза ...
Madonna - Frozen
You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be
You're frozen when your heart's not open
You're so concerned with how much you get ...
Андреа Бочели & Дулсе Понтеш - Морето и ти
(превод на английски превод)
Оригинален текст (португалски език и неаполитански език)
Autores: Enzo Gragnaniello
Автори: Енцо Граняниело ...
September - Cry For You
I never had to say goodbye
You must have known I wouldn't stay
While you were talking about our life
You killed the beauty of today ...
Up Şekerim
She smiled at me, said:
"Would you like it sweet and low?"
"I know a place where we can
Take it nice and slow" ...
Never, never, never, never
We hide in the bed
And devotion is finding a way
When highness exists for those people ...
Can you hear me?
Am I getting through to you?
Is it late there? ...
Massive Attack - Tear Drop
Love, love is a verb,
love is a doing word.
Fearless on my breath...
Gentle impulsion. ...
(the English version of "Adagio")
Лара Фабиан - Ададжо
(английската версия на "Adagio")
(Authors: Tomaso Albinoni, Lara Fabian, Bruce Roberts, Rick Allison & Dave Pickell)
(Автори: Томазо Албинони, Лара Фабиан, Брус Робъртс, Рик Алисън & Дейв Пикъл) ...
Chuck Berry - Old Time Rock N'Roll
Just take those old records off the shelf
I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself
Today's music ain't got the same soul
I like that old time rock 'n' roll ...
Фил Колинс - Не можеш да бързаш с любовта
(Authors: Lamont Dozier & Brian and Eddie Holland)
(Автори: Ламонт Дожър & Брайън и Еди Холънд)
Phil Collins - You Can't Hurry Love
I need love, love ...
Mike + The Mechanics - Another cup of coffee
And she pours herself another cup of coffee
As she contemplates the stain across the wall
and it's in between the cleaning and the washing
That's when looking back's ...
Енрике Иглесиас - Божественият ритъм
Rhythm Divine:
Escucha el ritmo de tu corazon (Whispered)
From the coast of Ipanema
to the Island of Capri ...
Sarbel - Yassou , Maria
First off she 's a lady
And this is a lady's world
Man she drives them crazy
Dancing like a chiki girl ...
Irene Cara - Fame
Baby you look at me
And tell me what you see
You ain't seen the best of me yet
Give me time I'll make you forget the rest ...
You think you gotta keep me iced
You know
You think I'm gonna spend your cash
I won't
Even if you were broke ...
(Авторски текст)
Всички вие, хора на тази планета,
дръжте ръцете си заедно.
Нека бъдем като братя и сестри,
и да си помагаме едни на друг всеки ден. ...
Artist: Tiziano Ferro & Jamelia
Song: Universal prayer
what what~ x3
nah nah nah nah~
[Verse 1] ...
(Eurovision 2006, Ukraine)
Hi, baby, here I am
Feel like I'm born again
You see it in my eyes – my heart is on fire
Don't hide your love away – don't wait another day ...
Russia - Dima Bilan - Never let you go (Eurovision 2006)
(Евровизия 2006)
Couplet 1 : Heavy clouds, no rain
And every move causes pain
Ready kiss, but no love ...
Земна песен
Какво е изгрев
Какво е дъжд
Какво са всичките неща
Онова, което вие казахте, че ние бяхме за да получим..., ...
Mariah Carey - All I want for Christmas is you
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree ...
  13536  12 
You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be? You're frozen
When your heart's not open
You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret. You're broken ...
Бони Тайлър - Пълно затъмнение на сърцето
[Authors: James Richard Steinman (Jim Steinman)]
[Автори: Джеймс Ричард Стайнман (Джим Стайнман)]
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely, ...
  39669  10 
Chris Isaak - Wicked game
We were on fire
No one could save me but you.
Strange what desire make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you ...
I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When we're grey and old ...
Looking back over my shoulder
I can see that look in your eye
I never dreamed it could be over
I never wanted to say goodbye
Looking back over my shoulder ...
Under a lover's sky.
I'm gonna be with You.
And no one's gonna be around.
If You think that You won't fall.
Well just wait until the sun goes down. ...
Sugarbabes - Too Lost In You
You look into my eyes
I go out of my mind
I can't see anything
Cos this love's got me blind ...
  13440  12 
Sugababes - Too Lost In You
You look into my eyes
I go out of my mind
I can’t see anything
Cos this love’s got me blind ...
World was on fire, no-one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
No, I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
No, I don't wanna fall in love ...
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