5 results
I am so sorry.
You are too young, and your heart has been broken endlessly.
By people you never thought would break it.
Im sorry you have to put on a mask over your emotions to focus on others.
Trying so desperately to fix others while your own hands were trembling. ...
1. The problem of definitions
There is an issue that arises in almost every serious conversation – the divergent meanings of terms. This is an especially pernicious issue in philosophical discourse – so many schools of thought, so many different frameworks, axioms, metaphysics and epistemologies. Fa ...
Всяка сутрин Слънцето сменя Луната на небосвода
и заема мястото ѝ като пазач на безкрайността.
С изгряването на първите му лъчи, изчезва и
последният спомен от дългата и студена нощ,
носейки със себе си надежда за нещо по-добро. ...
Japanese Colors
“Today my father and I decided to buy a suitable paint for our kitchen, since we are renovating it. So I decided it would be soft green, almost near to white, close to olive. However, when we began to paint the walls, it turned out to be so intense that it was closer to the color of ...
That is a really strong word! To be inspirited is the biggest gift you can ask for! If you have that thing that just makes you want to be better and get stronger just so you can reach your final destination then you are a happy person!
Most people see inspiration in big stars that live far away in t ...
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