5 607 резултата
Well, I like this world
Well, I like this world
Well, I like this world
I like it how it was
I pray how it was ...
The Other Side
Truth of the matter is I'm complicated
You're as straight as they come
You go 'bout your day, baby
While I had from the sun ...
Skin - Нищо, освен
Моля те, повярвай ми.
Радвам се за теб.
Защо трябва да се преструвам?
Нямам какво да губя. ...
When You Really Love Someone
Alicia Keys
I'm a woman, lord knows it's hard
I need a real man to give me what I need
Sweet attention, love and tenderness ...
Откажи се от играта,
преди някой друг
да ти погуби душата
и да покрие със срам
лицето твое; ...
The Fray - Where The Stroy Ends
Trying not to lose my head but I have never been this scared before
Tell you what I’ll do instead, lay my body down on the floor
To forget what I’ve done, silhouette til the good lord come
All we know is distance ...
Mumford & Sons - Празна бяла страница
Can you lie next to her
And give her your heart, your heart
As well as your body
And can you lie next to her ...
Not the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground ...
Have you heard
It was on the news
Your child can read you like a bedtime story
Like a Magazine
Like a has-been out to grass ...
The Crow, The Owl And The Dove
A crow flew to me
Kept its distance
Such a proud creation
I saw its soul, envied its pride ...
Birdy - People Help The People
God knows what is hiding in that weak and drunken hearts
I guess you kissed the girls and made them cry
those Hardfaced Queens of misadventure
God knows what is hiding in those weak and sunken eyes ...
Красавице, вървиш надолу по улицата.
Красавице, сякаш молбите ми дочула си.
Не ти вярвам, ти не си истинска.
Даже розата не е така разлистена. ...
Зарежи работата до края на деня –
заслужаваш малко почивка.
Следвай пътя, не е далеч.
Просто пресечи сребристото езеро.
Да, покрай езерцето, светлокремавата ограда... ...
Не бягай когато ти говоря.
Всичко туй ще сторя...
Има някои неща, през които преминавам.
И аз, колкото теб, нося вината. ...
Прошепни ми нещо във леглото.
Остави зимата по земята.
Събудих се самотна, в тишината
на спалнята и навсякъде наоколо.
Докосни ме сега, затварям очи ...
Florence + The Machine - Отърси се
Regrets collect like old friends
Here to relive your darkest moments
I can see no way, I can see no way
And all of the ghouls come out to play ...
He Won't Go
Some say I'll be better without you
But they don't know you like I do
Or at least the sides I thought I knew
I can't bear this time ...
I left my girl back home, I don't love her no more
And she'll never f*cking know that, these f*cking eyes that I'm staring at
Let me see that ass, look at all this cash
And I've emptied out my cards too
Now I'm f*cking leaning on that ...
Walking home, there ain't a trace of moonlight.
You hold out your hand and everything is so easy.
And I think that's the part that scares me.
Do you feel the same?
Looking for the point where you end and the place where I begin ...
Във време, когато слънцето само залязва
далеч, далеч от своя дом (сама) избягах,
за да открия сърце, направено от камък.
Ще опитам, само дай ми още време...
от ума си твоето лице да снема ...
thin' goes as planned.
Everything will break.
People say goodbye.
In their own special way.
All that you rely on ...
Levi Kreis - I Should Go
Here we are
Isn't it familiar
Haven't had someone to talk to
In such a long time ...
На Деси
Здравей, стари приятелю Мрак,
дойдох да поговоря с тебе пак,
заради видение, промъкващо се тихо,
чиито семена в съня ми се пропиха. ...
Nightwish - Scaretale
Once upon a time in a daymare
Dying to meet you, little child, enter enter this sideshow
Time for bed the cradle still rocks
13 chimes on a dead man's clock, ...
Black Lab - This night
There are things
I have done
There's a place
I have gone ...
Florence + The Machine - Какво ми даде водата
Time it took us
To where the water was
That’s what the water gave me
And time goes quicker ...
[Chris Martin]
Once upon a time somebody ran
Somebody ran away saying fast as I can
I've got to go...got to go ...
Sara Bareilles - Breathe Again
Car is parked, bags are packed, but what kind of heart doesn't look back
At the comfortable glow from the porch, the one I will still call yours?
All those words came undone and now I'm not the only one
Facing the ghosts that decide if the fire inside still burns ...
Mama, I found a man
Who loves me and understands
Papa, he’s quite a man
He adores me, he’s my biggest fan
And don't get me wrong, ...
When we first came here, we were cold and we were clear
With no colors in our skin, we were light and paper thin
And when we first came here, we were cold and we were clear
With no colors in our skin, ''til we let the spectrum in
Say my name and every color illuminates ...
I waited a hundred years
But I'd wait a million more for you
Nothing prepared me for the privilege of being yours
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush ...
One republic
Hello world
Hope you’re listening
Forgive me if I’m young
For speaking out of turn ...
"We All Want Love"
We all, we all, we all, we all, we all
We all, we all, we all, we all, we all
I can pretend that I'm not lonely
But I'll be constantly fooling myself ...
Like a flash of light in an endless night
Life is trapped between two black entities
'Cause when you trust someone
Illusion has begun
No way to prepare ...
Виждам как си решиш косата
и с тази мила усмивка
ме караш да полетя в небесата
или просто да припкам.
Преди да се разтопя като сняг, ...
До неотдавна черно беше знак
за грозота, или поне не беше
за красота, но днес, незнайно как
на почит е, а бялото е грешно.
Защото откогато с пудра, с грим е ...
Бог Купидон задряма на поляна
и факелът му, палещ безпощаден
любовен плам, девица на Диана
открадна и захвърли в ручей хладен.
Водата взе свещената му жар ...
Бог Купидон, потънал в сън, изпусна
пламтящия си факел, палещ страст и
рой нимфи целомъдрени, изкусно
стаили се от неговата власт и
магия го видя. Една от тях – ...
Успехът най е сладък,
ако не си успявал:
измъчва ли те жажда -
нектара оценяваш.
Войникът, който днес ...
  1998  10 
Selah Sue - Mommy
Once a day
Your voice is everything I need
And all the things you've done
Give me power to succeed ...
: ??:??