5 607 резултата
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters ...
Lalo Project - Listen to me
Listen to me,
Looking at me,
I think of you.
I am whispering , ...
Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard
Your rolled up sleeves in your skull T-shirt
You say, "What did you do with him today?"
And sniffed me out like I was Tanqueray ...
Simple Plan- "Save You"
Take a breath
I pull myself together
Just another step till I reach the door
You'll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you ...
Uhh, yeah
Another one of those - this is for my nigga Q - down to earth joints
Rest in peace baby, you're not for me dawg
[Chorus] ...
I didn't mean to end his life
I know it wasn't right
I can't even sleep at night ...
Christina Perri - Jar of hearts
I know I can't take one more step towards you
'Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore?
You lost the love I loved the most ...
Seems like everybody’s got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the tale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop, for a minute and ...
Шестнайсет годишен отидох на война,
да се бия за страна на герои,
с Господ зад мен, и със пушка в ръка
скъсявайки дните спокойни.
Марширувах, и бих се, умирах, кървях ...
My Dying Bride - Sear Me III
Ела при мен,
утеши ме.
Хвани ме за ръка.
В ръцете ти, ...
Нещо не е наред,
просто го чувствам в мен.
Знаеш и ти, че съм права,
не можеш да отречеш.
Когато си легна вечер, ...
Alan Parsons Project — Ammonia Avenue
Is there no sign of light as we stand in the darkness?
Watching the sun arise
Is there no sign of life as we gaze at the waters?
Into the strangers eyes ...
Let us pray
Heavenly Father, hear a nigga down here
Before I go to sleep
Tell me, who do you believe in?
Who do you believe in? ...
Judas Priest-Diamonds and Rust
I'll be damned, here comes your ghost again but that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full and you decided to call
And here I sit, hand on the telephone hearing the voice I'd known
A couple of light years ago headed straight for a fall ...
Камелот - Зодиакът
Tя бе толкоз мила с мен,
изпя ми нейната тъмна песен.
А аз не можах да й устоя,
горчива кръв ...
MaYaN - Oпората на обществото
Измамата е пътят към господството,
бъди смел където другите не смеят.
ние просто молим за твоята лоялност,
по любезен и мил начин. ...
Joel Luke - Loves To Blame
Time and time, I've thought through it all
How we loved and loved
and how we fought each other
pushing one another ...
The Script-Breakeven
I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing,
Just prayed to a god that I don't believe in,
'Coz I got time while she got freedom,
'Coz when a heart breaks ...
So, here I stand
I'm so disappointed
I'm ashamed of all the ways
You've got to me
Laughing on the outside ...
You were my conscience, so silent now you're like water
And we started drowning, not like we'd sink any farther
But I let my heart go, it's somewhere down the bottom
But I'll get a new one and come back for the hope that you've stolen
I'll stop the whole world, I'll stop the whole world ...
"Hold Me"
Hold me darling hold me
And I'll always be your, be your guy
Closer, baby come closer
Let me be the one that loves and be by your side ...
Тръпката я няма
Тръпката я няма,
тръпката си отиде,
отиде си, мили,
тръпката си отиде. ...
A Dream Within A Dream
by Edgar Allan Poe
Сън в съня – пародиен превод
по Едгар Алън По
Take this kiss upon the brow! ...
  2700  11 
Lady Gaga - Bloody Mary
Лейди Гага - Кървавата Мери(препратка към Мария Магдалена, последователка на Исус)
Love is just a history that they may prove,
And when you're gone I'll tell them my religion's you.
Любовта е просто история, която могат да докажат, ...
Това стихотворение на Кристина Джорджина Росети (Christina Georgina Rossetti) (1830-1894), сестра на поета и художник Данте Габриел Росети, вече е превеждано на български – преводът, който започва с
Сърцето ми е птица пееща
с гнездо над кипнала вълна...
може да се намери в интернет. За съжаление не ...
Yngwie Malmsteen - I Am A Viking
I am a Viking I'm going out to war
And I've got a death upon my mind
As I was leavin' oh yesterday
I've got no fear in my heart ...
Някой път съм толкоз странна,
че самичка се учудвам,
даже вечер се приспивам
смеейки се лудо.
Понякога карам тъй бързо ...
Within Temptation - Utopia
The burning desire to live and roam free
It shines in the dark
And it grows within me
You're holding my hand but you don't understand ...
Athlete - Wires
You got wires, going in
You got wires, coming out of your skin
You got tears, making tracks
I got tears, that are scared of the facts ...
Frakie Laine – I beleive
I believe for every drop of rain that falls,
A flower grows,
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night,
A candle glows. ...
Toto - I'll Be Over You
Some people live their dreams
Some people close their eyes
Some people's destiny
Passes by ...
Днес на Емили Дикинсън (1830-1886) се гледа като на един от най-значимите поети в американската литература. Много по-съществен ми се струва, обаче, фактът, че приживе тя е публикувала едва десетина от близо 1800-те си стихотворения. Останалите са пращани на приятели в личната ѝ кореспонденция или си ...
  3987  13 
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointin' out my wrongs
i never needed pain,i never needed strenght
My love for you was strong enough you should've known.
I never needed you for judgement ...
William Wordsworth - “A slumber did my spirit seal”
A slumber did my spirit seal;
I had no human fears:
She seemed a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years ...
Писах й вече за десети път днес,
упражнявах отново всеки свой жест...
Когато намина,
си глътнах езика.
Взех й чантата и й сипах кафе. ...
There's a stranger in my bed,
There's a pounding my head
Glitter all over the room
Pink flamingos in the pool
I smell like a minibar ...
[Chorus- Chris Brown]
Yesterday I fell in love
Today feels like my funeral
I just got hit by a bus
Shouldn’ve been so beautiful ...
Mhmm mhm [x5]
I'm gonna ask you to look away
I love my hands, but it hurts to pray
Life I have isn't what I've seen ...
Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect
When I'm nervous I have this thing yeah I talk too much
Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up
It's like I need to tell someone anyone who'll listen
And that's where I seem to fuck up, yeah ...
Cluster One
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What Do You Want From Me ...
: ??:??