7 459 резултата
I can feel the heat rising, everything is on fire
Today is a painful reminder of why
We can only get brighter
The further you put it behind ya ...
Be here now
Don't let your mind get weary and confused
Your will be still, don't try
Don't let your heart get heavy child
Inside you there's a strength that lies ...
She gave it all, you gave her shit
She coulda done, just anything
Or anyone, cause she's a goddess
You never got this
You put her down, you liked her hopeless ...
Биаджо Антоначи - Имам те
Autori: Biagio Antonacci
Автори: Биаджо Антоначи ...
Нек - Когато те няма
Autori: Filippo Neviani (Nek), Daniel Vuletic (Danijel Vuletic) & Alfredo Rapetti Mogol
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Вставай, страна огромная,
Вставай на смертный бой
С фашистской силой темною,
С проклятою ордой!
Пусть ярость благородная ...
Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth
Still a little bit of you
laced with my doubt
Still a little hard to say what's going on ...
Green Day - Исус от Предградията
Син на гняв и на любов, Исус на тез Предградия.
Част от Библия, неразбирана, карам на диета една.
Содата със р*талин. Никой не умря за мойте грехове.
Зная, но поне, от някои отървах се. ...
Kamelot - Liar liar
Would you pray if said you were dying
Would you be a little stronger
Or fall down on your knees
Would you stay with me ...
Susan Boyle - I Dreamed a Dream
Сюзън Бойл - Мечтаех Мечта
Мечтаех мечта във време отминало,
когато надеждата беше силна и живота ...
Пак превеждам себе си, на когото му е писнало, да си каже;) Самото парче можете да чуете тук: http://otkrovenia.com/main.php?action=show&id=170821.
Искам да бъда крила.
Искам при теб да избягам.
Искам да бъда крака, ...
dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam
Du willst gehen, ich lieber springen
Wenn du redest, will ich singen
Du schlägst Wurzeln, ich muss fliegen
Wir haben die Stille um uns totgeschwiegen ...
Wenn wir Nachts nach Hause gehen,
die Lippen blau vom Rotwein.
Und wir uns bis vorne an der Ecke,
meine große Jacke teilen.
Der Himmel wird schon morgenrot ...
Sanremo 2015
Киара Галиацо - Необикновено
Санремо 2015
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Ти ме омагьосваш...
Първият път, когато почувствах твоята милувка...
Обърнах да видя...
Любов от пръв поглед, моя принцесо.
Стоях там парализиран... ...
I grew up, a fucking screw up
Tie my shoe up, wish they was newer
Damn, need something newer
In love with the baddest girl in the city, I wish I knew her
I wish I won't so shy, I wish I was a bit more fly ...
An allem, was man sagt, an allem, was man sagt ist auch was dran
Egal, wer kommt, egal, wer geht, egal, es kommt nicht darauf an
Ich glaube nichts, ich glaub an dich, glaubst du an mich, ich glaub ich auch
Ich frage mich, ich frage dich, doch frag ich nicht: „Fragst du dich auch?“
Ich bin dabei, du ...
Empathy - Alanis Morissette
There are so many parts that I have hidden and that I yet lost
There are so many ways that I have cut off my nose despite my face
There are so many colors that I still try to hide while I paint ...
The deepest solace lies in understanding
This ancient unseen stream
A shudder before the beautiful
Awake Oceanborn
Behold this force ...
Yeah, Baby nimm' meine Hand!
Ich hab alles schon gepackt.
Komm wir beide gehen weg von hier.
Sieh der Jet ist getankt.
Ich hab Geld auf der Bank, ...
Well, you wonder why I always dress in black?
Why you never see bright colours on my back?
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone?
Well, there's a reason for the things that I have on...
I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down, ...
Stabbing Westward - I Remember
Мислила ли си някога, къде
бихме били, ако се бяхме опитали по силно?
Изглежда сякаш вчера това,
как правихме планове за бъдещето... ...
Leave a lighthouse in the wild,
Cause I'm coming in
A little blind
Dreamer of a lighthouse in the woods ...
Биаджо Антоначи - Вечност
Autori: Biagio Antonacci
Автори: Биаджо Антоначи ...
Anno di uscita: 1998
Festivalbar 1998, Festivalbar 1999
Биаджо Антоначи - Колко време е минало и все още...
Година на излизане: 1998 ...
Биаджо Антоначи - Само каква разлика има...
Autori: Biagio Antonacci
Автори: Биаджо Антоначи ...
Daniel Lavoie – Icare
Le roi Minos refusa d`immoler
un jeune taureau promis
A Poséidon dieu des poissons
Le dieu irrité se vengea sur l`épouse ...
Closer to the Edge
I don't remember the moment, I tried to forget
I lost myself, is it better not said
Now I'm closer to the edge.
It was a thousand to one ...
Love yourz
Love yourz
No such thing
No such thing as a life that's better than yours
No such thing as a life that's better than yours ...
Ариза - Любовта е нещо друго
Autori: Giuseppe Anastasi & Cheope (Alfredo Rapetti Mogol)
Автори: Джузепе Анастази & Кеопе (Алфредо Рапети Могол) ...
Sanremo 2014
Джузи Ферери - Ще те заведа на вечеря
Санремо 2014
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Too Close
You know I'm not one to break promises
I don't want to hurt you but I need to breathe
At the end of it all, you're still my best friend
But there's something inside that I need to release ...
Алесандра Аморозо - Не трябва да ме губиш
Autori: Biagio Antonacci
Автори: Биаджо Антоначи ...
Year: 1999
In Death, A Song
You came back to a place without sun ...
Алесандра Аморозо - Чакам те
Autori: Federica Fratoni (Federica Camba) & Daniele Coro
Arrangiamento di: Celso Valli
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You Lost Me
I am done, smoking gun
We've lost it all, the love is gone
She has won, now it's no fun
We've lost it all, the love is gone ...
Big Eyes
With your big eyes
And your big lies
I saw you creeping around the garden
What are you hiding? ...
Alles Kann Besser Werden
Alles kann besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles soll besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden ...
Герой на работническата класа
Джон Ленън
От люлката още те свикват, че малък и жалък си ти.
Не ти дават време да мислиш, затуй въобще не мисли. ...
I Lived
[Verse 1]
Hope when you take that jump
You don't fear the fall
Hope when the water rises ...
: ??:??