5 641 резултата
Затвори вратата,
угаси светлините,
искам да бъда с теб, ...
Yeah grew up with killers, I didn't know they was killers
We was just together man, playing Mega-man on Sega man
Your mama loved me to death, she reminded me of Afeni
Yeah real black queen
If I had a genie, ...
Преводът е по-скоро творчески. Не съумях да съобразя римата или ритъма, реших да акцентуирам върху идеята и метафорите, за да направя нещо по-различно. :)
So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trust in who we are
And nothing else matters ...
The Beatles* - Anna (Go To Him)
Anna, you come and ask me, girl
To set you free, girl
You say he loves you more than me
So I will set you free ...
Don't bury me
Don't let me down
Don't say it's over
Cause that would send me under
Underneath the ground ...
"Lilac Wine"
I lost myself on a cool damp night
Gave myself in that misty light
Was hypnotized by a strange delight
Under a lilac tree ...
Харолд и Мод (роман от Колин Хигинс) II част
She took the empty birdseed box into the kitchen. "At one time I used to break
into pet shops and liberate the canaries, but I gave it up as an idea before
its time. The zoos are full and the prisons overflowing. My, My. How the world
so dearly loves a ca ...
(I'll Fly with You)
Джиджи Д'Агостино - Винаги любов (Ще летя с теб)
Authors: Luigino Di Agostino (Gigi D'Agostino), Paolo Sandrin ...
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Well I heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do ya?
Well it goes like this ...
Джиджи Д'Агостино - Страст
Authors: Daniele Montagner
Автори: Даниеле Монтаниер ...
"Lover, you should've come over. "
Looking out the door
I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners
Parading in a wake of sad relations
As their shoes fill up with water ...
The Angel and The Rain
Now baby hold me tight
I know nothing is right
I have to go
Believe I'm only a ghost ...
Джиджи Д'Агостино - Благоденствие
Authors: Luigino Di Agostino (Gigi D'Agostino), Diego Maria Leoni & Carlo Montagner
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
When I die will you buy me a flowers?
Will you come on my grave?
You know that Im gonna die.
Walking slow, you feel sad.
Down on knees and pray for my soul. ...
We made ourselfs a home out of our dreams.
Brought with us this love now bittersweet.
And may be Icould say know, that I've thought of you.
How you've run to walk with me your whole life through. ...
Björk - I Miss You
I miss you
But I haven't met you yet
So special
But it hasn't happened yet ...
Disturbed - Striken
You walk on like a woman in suffering
Won't even bother now to tell me why
You come alone, letting all of us savor the moment
Leaving me broken another time ...
If you can`t hear, what I`m tryna say
If you can`t read from the same page,
Maybe I`m going deaf,
Maybe I`m going blind,
Maybe I`m out of my mind. ...
Nightingale - To My Inspiration
All my life
You have been here beside me
Through the days and nights
We were as one ...
I can remember, I can remember a time of beginning to relate
To who you are, who you really are, never look back 'cause we've come so far
There's a place, I can never return, so I decide to let it burn
Far away, is where I'd rather be than to see that look upon your face ...
"Tears On My Pillow"
You don't remember me
But I remember you
T'was not so long ago
You broke my heart in two ...
Sabaton - Да живее Краля
Dreams are seldom shattered, by a bullet in the dark.
Rulers come and rulers go, will our kingdom fall apart?
Who shall we now turn to, when our leaders lost their heart?
Lives are lost but at what cost, will the grand dream fall apart? ...
You are the loneliest person that I've ever known
We are joined at the surface but nowhere else
I look in the glass and stare at your strained, grey,
Motionless face and ask ...
Brett Anderson - Unsung
Plans, all those intricate plans,
Left like gloves on the railings,
Slipping through your hands.
Clouds, those impossible clouds, ...
Harold and Maude
by Colin Higgins
Harold Chasen stepped up on the chair and placed the noose about his neck. He
pulled it tight and tugged on the knot. It would hold. He looked about the
den. The Chopin was playing softly. The envelope was propped up on the desk. ...
"Black Chandelier"
Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip
Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip
Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip
Drip, drip, drip, drip ...
"Many Of Horror (When We Collide)"
You say "I love you, boy"
I know you lie
I trust you all the same
I don't know why ...
Slender Man - Poem By Rostin Amirani
Oh, should I travel through the woods.
Or should I not wishing I would.
For above me lurks within the trees.
No one could hear my deathly screams. ...
There was a stage of grace that happens every day
It's a feelin' I thought lost of locked away
Another question to an answer that I know
Oh, are you comin' home, comin' home for sure?
I'd walk a thousand miles, just to hear you callin' out my name ...
"Stand Up And Run"
Oh I had a feeling
Buried inside
Covered beneath a
Blanket of pride ...
"God & Satan"
I talk to God as much as,
I talk to Satan
'Cause I want to hear both sides
Does that make me cynical, ...
Baby if you could would you go back to the start?
Take any fresh steps or watch it all fall apart again?
Play another song here, then you can leave
With your delicate wings, I used to weave ...
Джени не е сама
Трудни времена, сянка на уличното осветление,
тъмни очи, краде, за да оцелее.
Един Бог знае, дали джобът й е пълен с надежда.
Млад живот, заобикаля я, ...
All over the world there's a feeling that's always the same
A fallen world is a part of the game
Search high and low, someday hopen to find the answers
Now, one thing I've learned is to don't work that way
If you can remember, don't hide away from all your fears ...
That Particular Time
My foundation was rocked
My tried and true way to deal was to vanish
My departures were old
I stood in the room shaking in my boots ...
Sisters Of Mercy - More
Some people get by
With a little understanding
Some people get by
With a whole lot more ...
You call me a dog well that's fair enough
(Наричаш ме псе, съгласен, че така е справедливо,)
'cause it ain't no use to pretend
(тъй като няма и смисъл да се преструвам,) ...
"I adopted your dog today...
The one you left at the pound;
The one you had for ten years
And no longer wanted around.
I adopted your dog today... ...
Skin - Purple
Purple washes over me
Seeping through my open seams
I'm stained all over
You pretend we’ve started again ...
Can I holla at you?
Let me holla at you!
Special, never forget the day I met you
We was destined for each other like a, son to his mother
Or a, sister and brother, man this bond is deep ...
: ??:??