5 641 резултата
Out on your own.Cold and alone again
Can this be what you really wanted, baby?
Blame it on me ...
Sweet Sacrifice
It's true, we're all a little insane.
But it's so clear,now that I'm unchained.
Fear is only in our minds,taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds,but it's taking over all the time. ...
The Frames – Rise
Breathing in the night
There's nothing else I'm needing now
The wind is at my side
And so are you ...
Katie Melua- On the road again
Well I'm so tired of cryin' but I'm out on the road again.
Well I'm so tired of cryin' but I'm out on the road again.
I ain't got nobody just to call my special friend.
You know the first time I travelled out in the rain and snow ...
Depeche Mode
"Soothe My Soul"
I'm coming for you Аз идвам за теб,
When the sun goes down когато слънцето залезе.
I'm coming for you Идвам за теб, ...
Time, is a reason why we fight to stay alive, until the morning comes
It's a strife but a shimmer in your eyes just makes me know that you and I belong
And you can light the dark up by your own, so let us show the world that love is strong
Like a sign, like a dream, you're my amaranthine
You are all ...
Captured in the way you walk / Запленен от начина, по който ходиш.
Are you sure its something I cant hear / Сигурна ли си, че е нещо, което не мога да чуя?
So far away / Толкова далеч.
This is nothing I can deal with / Това е нещо, с което не мога да се справя.
My self is tortured / Самоизмъчен съм ...
Mother, where are you today? / Майко, къде си днес?
You took a piece of me the day you went away, / Взе част от мен в деня, в който си тръгна,
No recollection or the smell of your perfume, / без спомен или мирис на парфюма ти,
I took a piece of you the day I left the womb. / аз взех част от теб в де ...
Spirit Indestructible
Through my one square foot window I see outside
I have chains on my feet, but not in my mind
I'll be dancing on till I see the sun outside
Don't know how long it will be ...
"Fade Into You"
(with Sam Palladio)
If you were the ocean and I was the sun
If the day made me heavy and gravity won
If I was the red and you were the blue ...
Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And I your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me ...
Ocean Soul
One more night
To bear this nightmare
What more do I have to say
Crying for me was never worth a tear ...
Burning Borders – Stay
I'd give you myself to save you
I'd live in this hell to have you
I'd bury this life for you
I'd change all that's right with you ...
The days were brighter
Gardens more blooming
The nights had more hope
In their silence The wild was calling ...
Her mother said that she couldn't love / Нейната майка каза, че не може да обича
The physical way a woman should / по физическия начин, по който една жена трябва.
Then where else could she go? / Тогава къде другаде можеше да отиде?
Where the sisters and the fathers can't save her soul / Където сестр ...
There is a woman in Somalia
Има една жена в Сомалия,
Scraping for pearls on the roadside
Която рови за перли край пътя.
There's a force stronger than nature ...
When she was just a girl
She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach
So she ran away in her sleep
Dreamed of para- para- paradise ...
Mercy don't think she's pretty no more...
Starin' at the stars through her back screen door!
She tries and tries to make it all work out! ...
I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high ...
Don’t go by the river / Не отивай до реката,
If you love your wife / ако обичаш съпругата си,
‘Cause you’ll make that girl a widow / защото ще направиш това момиче вдовица
And you’ll cause her pain and strife / и ще й причиниш болка и раздор.
If you go by the river side, / Ако отидеш до реката, ...
On this rock I lie
But I'm alive for good
And I just free myself now ...
Like a pendant on the neck of a queen / Като медальон на врата на кралица,
10, 000 scars an embrace of the stone / 10, 000 белега – прегрътка на камъка.
As we dance on a steady canopy / Докато танцуваме на здрав балдахин,
Accuse me, fool me, take all my pain away, my friend / обвини ме, заблуди ме, ...
I never count on yesterday / Никога не разчитам на вчера,
Because the past can also change / защото миналото също може да се промени.
I'll never give myself away / Никога няма да се предам,
Life is worthwhile on the edge / животът си заслужава на ръба.
Words sound so hollow in the cold / Думите звуч ...
I guess some kids are just born with | Предполагам, че някои деца са просто родени с
tragedy in their blood, | трагедия във вените си.
I try to wash this away, | Опитвам се да измия това,
I wanna cleanse your veins, | Искам да очистя вените ти.
I can help you see the light out of your despair, | Мог ...
Stop standing there
Avril Lavigne
1. All this talking to you...
I don`t know what I`m to do.
I don`t know where you stand, ...
И любовта не е лесно нещо.
Тя е единственият багаж, който можеш да вземеш.
И любовта не е лесно нещо.
Тя е единствения багаж, който можеш да вземеш
и всичко онова, което не можеш да оставиш. ...
Ако можеш разума си да запазиш,
когато всички полудяват и тебе за това винят;
Ако вярваш в себе си когато други се съмняват,
но за тяхното съмнение оставиш път; ...
"Bel Air"
Gargoyles standing at the front of your gate.
Trying to tell me to wait,
But I can’t wait to see you.
So I run like I'm mad to heaven's door. ...
I'm watching you looking / Наблюдавам как гледаш
As you move in to kill / докато пристъпваш, за да убиеш.
Expect me to start running / Очакваш да започна да бягам,
But I am standing still / но аз стоя неподвижно.
Conceiving, / Представяйки си, ...
"Скъпи Приятели"
Брайън Мей
Приятели скъпи, отиде си вашата любов.
Подарихте ми сълзи. Подарихте ми покров.
И как сега да кажа "Времето тече"? ...
Slit the throat of reason and reality Разсичам гърлото на здравия разум и реалността,
Cut myself and scream for their insanity срязвам себе си и крещя за тяхната лудост.
Wake up to this nightmare that will never end Събуждам се от този кошмар, който никога не свършва,
The main attraction of this twi ...
"Up In The Air"
I've been up in the air, out of my head,
Stuck in a moment of emotion I destroyed.
Is this the end I feel?
Up in the air, fucked up on life, ...
yet a day is dawning
I am sad but also strong
this gift that I've been given
tells me where I do belong
falling I'm falling down ...
I heard you calling
I heard you calling out my name
I heard you screaming, yeah
All day to play your game
Your reputation ...
there was a time when we sailed on together
once had a dream that we shared on the way
there was a place where we used to seek shelter
I never knew the pain of the price I would pay
You led me on with a clook and a dagger ...
30 Seconds To Mars - End Of All Days
I’m tired of the waiting,
For the end of all days.
The prophets are preaching,
That the Gods are needing praise. ...
Immediately hug me,
eagerly watch my eyes,
you turn the night in a magic,
we are crasy, crazy you and me.
Kiss me tenderly, ...
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man!
Ако си хазартен тип, казвам ти, аз съм твоя човек!
You win some, lose some, it's - all - the same to me.
Понякога печелиш, понякога губиш, това е – за всеки и за всичко – така е и за мен.
The pleasure is to play, it makes no difference what you say. ...
Песен за умрелия
Събуждане без предупреждение -
чернотата на утринта
Всички блестящи бижута,
родени от гласът на един глупак ...
"Young And Beautiful"
[Verse 1]
I've seen the world
Done it all
Had my cake now ...
: ??:??