13 159 резултата
Королева – Сергей Есенин
Превод: Мария Шандуркова
Дивна вечер. Заник слънце.
По треви пълзи мъгла. ...
Joanna Smith - We Can't Be Friends
We can't be friends, you can't drop by,
If I run into your brother, can't tell him to tell you 'hi'.
You can't call, I can't pick up
We can't meet for margaritas, I can't wear that dress you love. ...
Превод:Мария Шандуркова
Тръгна Господ като просяк беден,
любовта на хората да види.
Срещна старец, върху пън поседнал, ...
¿Quien eres tu ?
¿Quien eres tu ?
Amor o Dolor?
Si eres Dolor,
no vuelvas mas,por fabor, ...
Bryan Adams - I Still Miss You...A Little Bit
You said you’d always keep me happy
You said you’d always be true
You said you’d always keep me warm at night
I didn't know that there'll be someone else there too ...
Hoy te intento contar
sobre una lluvia
y una cama desierta.
Te tengo que contar, ...
Франко Батиато - Каста дива
[Autori: Francesco Battiato (Franco Battiato) & Manilo Sgalambro]
[Автори: Франческо Батиато (Франко Батиато) & Манило Сгаламбро]
Casta diva*
Greca, nascesti a New York, ...
Smile, though your heart is aching,
Smile, even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by ...
Where are you and where am I Къде си ти, къде съм аз,
Why here we are together? защо сме тук и заедно?
Who are you and who am I - Каква си ти, какъв съм аз –
In a speep-net trapped zeros. две нули в мръсна паяжина. ...
Alex Mica - Breathe
I wanna breathe love to your lungs
Let me hold you in my arms, ’cause baby
I wanna breathe love to your lungs
Let me feel your heartbeat going crazy ...
Beyonce – Save TheHero
I lay alone awake at night
Sorrow fills my eyes
But I’m not strong enough to cry
Despite of my disguise ...
袁枚, 即事
黃梅將去 | 雨聲稀
滿逕苔痕 | 綠上衣
風急小窗 | 關不及
落花詩草 | 一齊飛 ...
Katie Melua- „Spider's Web"
If a black man is racist, is it okay?
If it's the white man's racism that made him that way,
Because the bully's the victim they say,
By some sense they're all the same. ...
Skunk Anansie - Brazen (Weep)
I called you brazen
Called you whore right to your face
And watched you silently
And publicly disgraced ...
Lana Del Rey – Ride
I was in the winter of my life and the men I met along the road were my only summer. At night I fell asleep with vision of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them. Three year down the line of being on an endless world tour and the memories of them were the only things th ...
Katie Melua- "If You Were A Sailboat"
If you're a cowboy I would trail you,
If you're a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.
If you're a sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If you're a river I would swim you, ...
I Hate Myself For Loving You
Midnight, gettin uptight...Where are you?
You said you'd meet me, now it's quarter to 2.
I know I'm hangin' but I'm still wantin' you
Hey, Jack - it's a fact they're talkin in town ...
Sweet love, sweet love, trapped in your love
I've opened up, unsure I can trust
My heart and I were buried in dust
Free me, free us
You're all I need when I'm holding you tight ...
Тази седмица си мислех да те открадна за вкъщи,
по-късно гледах снимките ти преди да заспя,
искам да знам какъв си, да знам какво ти се случва
и най-накрая да ме опознаеш и да се влюбиш във мен. ...
Found myself just the other day
In the backyard of a friends place
Thinking about you
Thinking of the crowd you're in,
What you're up to, where you've been, ...
Ellie Goulding - Your Song
It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live ...
All I want is nothing more
to hear you knocking at my door
'cause if i could see your face once more
I could die as a happy man I'm sure
when you said your last goodbye ...
I found a note with your name
And a picture of us
Even though it was framed
And covered in dust
It's the map in my mind that sends me on my way ...
Adele – Skyfall ( 007 Theme Song )
This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again ...
This is the end
hold your breath and count to ten.
Feel the earth move and then
hear my heart burst again ...
"Hall Of Fame"
(feat. Will.I.Am)
Yeah, You could be the greatest
You can be the best
You can be the king kong banging on your chest ...
Goodbye Kiss - lyrics
Doomed from the start
We met with a goodbye kiss, I broke my wrist
It all kicked off, I had no choice
You said that you didn’t mind ...
Belinda Carlisle - Circle In The Sand
Sundown all around
Walking thru the summer's end
Waves crash baby, don't look back
I won't walk away again ...
„Делия” е сборник от 449 десетстишия, публикуван през 1544 год. от лионския поет Морис Сев (1501-1564). Това е първият сборник с френска любовна лирика, вдъхновен директно от сонетите на Петрарка. Предполага се, че вдъхновителка на стиховете е ученичката на Сев, Пернет дьо Гийе, починала на 25 годин ...
You felt the distant thunder, knocking at your door
and you couldnt find the reason for living anymore
But the power lies within you to keep your life from slipping away
deep inside you know your faith and who you are now
grow stronger everyday ...
…И золотые будут времена,
И прорастут иные семена
Побегом мощным, что не удержать.
И будет добрым этот урожай, ...
Garbage - Why Do You Love Me
I'm no Barbie doll
I'm not your baby girl
So I've done ugly things and I have made mistakes
And I am not as pretty as those girls in magazines ...
Entwine - Nothing's Forever
There's no desire at all
All gone with your love
And I'm slowly fading away
I always thought you'd be mine ...
Coma White
There's something cold and blank behind her smile
She's standing on an overpass
In a miracle mile
"You were from a perfect world ...
No Doubt - Sunday Morning
Sappy pathetic little me
That was the girl I used to be
You had me on my knees
I'd trade you places any day ...
Alex Clare - Whispering
Whispering, whispering, whispering, whispering
As I pass myself down to my knees.
Whispering, whispering, whispering, whispering
As I fall through the willow trees, and I said ...
Alanis Morissette - You owe me nothing in return
I'll give you countless amounts
Of outright acceptance if you want it
I will give you encouragement
To choose the path that you want if you need it ...
Sonnet on peace
Сонет за мира
превод: Красимир Тенев
O Peace! and dost thou with thy presence bless ...
Прав е не този, който е прав, а този, който е щастлив.
Ненавиждам тялото си. Излишно е. Винаги трябват много грижи. Да го облечеш, да го изправиш, ръцете изпънати, грим... И е задължително, защото то е моят билет. Без него съм нищо.
Искам да те докосвам, но не мога – обвивката не е същата.Ти ...
Come and hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given ...
: ??:??